Thursday, March 18, 2010


FROM REBECCA: Sounding like a broken record, aren’t I? No internet for Roody so, on his behalf, I pass on to you this evening's news...

I have been sitting here at the internet café for over two hours hoping for a connection. I’m finally giving up. But so much happened today that I want to share with everyone.

First, I went to the embassy again today because they had told me before that the man I need to see would be back today. He wasn’t – BUT - I now have a scheduled appointment to meet with him at the embassy on Friday and am hoping he will actually be there and be able to do something to help with Darline and Sandra’s needs as well as help to clear my bureaucratic entanglements.

I met with a representative of a relief organization today who is going to help us provide for the needs of our elderly people. PRAISE GOD! Our poor older folks are not able to stand in long lines or fight for the provisions from the aid distribution trucks. This group says it is already conducting a head-count of the elderly in our area. They asked us to provide them with a listing of our people (names, ages, needs and exact location where they are staying) so they can deliver aid directly to them. This is truly the answer to our prayers. Thanks to our missionary Susan for hooking us up with this organization. What a blessing this will be to our older people!

I was also given contact information for a group that specifically provides relief for handicapped people. I will be contacting them tomorrow. I know we will all rest easier knowing our old people and handicapped people will be cared for now. I will be following up to make sure the aid they receive is adequate for their needs. If it isn’t, I’ll be letting you know.

The BEST THING about today was my failed visit (only “failed” to my purposes – not God’s!) to the embassy was that while I was there, I met U.S. Army chaplain, Captain Bilberry. We talked about why he was in Haiti and about my work with Promised Provision. When he heard about Sandra, he perked up and asked if it was possible for him to go see her. I told him, “Sure”, so we hopped in a truck together and took off for the trip to Leogane and up the mountain.

When he saw Sandra’s surgical scars and talked with her about the pain she is suffering now, saw her disgusting living conditions, met her 80 years old father who is unable to work to provide for his very large family, he was deeply moved. He will be presenting an official recommendation to the U.S. government and to the Shriners Hospital in Tampa, Florida, that Sandra be approved for medical care and education in the U.S. His willingness to make such an arduous trip and to personally place Sandra’s case before those who can help her was a HUGE blessing to my day!

God reminds me every day that He has plan for that day and that the plans I make are sometimes not of any consequence at that time. It truly takes the pressure off to be reminded that He is in control – I don’t have to be.

Yours in Christ,
Roody, PPM Team Haiti

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