Saturday, April 3, 2010


Some days I can hardly contain my excitement at the tremendous things I see God doing as He moves through His people to accomplish His works. Rebecca told me yesterday that Bearing Precious Seed ministry and our friends at Victory Baptist Church are sending us 2100 of their little Bibles containing the books of John and Romans in Creole. What a blessing they will be to so many people!

I was so grateful to be able to distribute over 200 of these Bibles with U.S. Army Chaplain Capt Bilberry and his friends when they were here a few weeks ago. We were all so happy to have those copies to give to the people with whom we shared Jesus and what His sacrifice made possible for all of us.

This new shipment of Bibles will let me reach countless more people with God's Word. I have the opportunity to share the Lord with many people each and every day. To be able to spend time with them telling them of Jesus' love for them and then being able to leave them a copy of the gospel in their own language is such a gift to them and to me. I have told many of the people I previously left the Bibles with that they should read it and then if they have questions, we can discuss them the next time I come through their camp.

I have told all of the local pastors about these visits to the camps and suggested to them that they and members of their congregations conduct some follow-up with these people, too. It would be nice to invite them to church for further learning and fellowship with believers.

I feel there is going to be a true revival of the Holy Spirit here and the more people we can prepare for that time, the better.

Serving Him in Humility and Awe,

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