Thursday, April 22, 2010

Delivering Bibles and Proclaimers (Talking Bibles)

Had a SUPER busy two days! I traveled with Pastor Wayne and Jeff to meet Pastor Guilbert in Carrefour Dent. He is a young Pastor with a congregation of over 400 people and also has 4 remote preaching stations. Pastor Guilbert is really grateful to have the Creole Bibles and will use them as an evangelization tool. He also expressed the need for the Proclaimer to reach out to the believers who cannot read the Bible.

We also journeyed about 45 minutes farther up on the mountain, and met with young Pastor Gabriel. He has been the pastor of the Paillant Baptist Church since 2004. Paillant is just like Leogane in that it’s people are very heavily involved in voodoo and rara practices. Pastor Gabriel recalled that when he first arrived in Paillant the welcome sign at the entry of the village read “Paillant - The city of Rara”, but today the sign reads “Paillant for Christ, and Christ for Paillant”. Pastor Gabriel has a church, a school and 3 remote preaching stations. He will use the Proclaimer for teaching those who cannot read and the Creole Bibles for evangelization. He is still facing many challenges with voodoo in the area and is praying for major awakening and revival. Please keep Paillant and Pastor Gabriel, his wife and two small sons in your prayers.

Returning to sea level, we moved on to meet with Pastor Garnel in Petit Goave. He is the Pastor of First Baptist Church in that city. I explained to him how to use the Procleimer (talking Creole Bible) and gave him a box of the Creole Bibles for evangelization. He is so happy to have these gifts and asked me to thank everyone who made it possible for him to have them for him – so THANK YOU from Pastor Garnel. He has many people who attend his services who cannot read, so he plans to use the Proclaimer to allow them to hear the word of God. He is a very young energetic pastor reaching the lost for Christ.

We went on to our final stop in the city of Grand Goave to join the SP crew in devotions. Pastor Jeff from South Carolina led devotion and prayer. I had the opportunity to speak and challenged everyone to be champions for Jesus wherever their work might lead them in Haiti. I urged all of the workers to take every opportunity they had to tell someone about Jesus, give them a copy of the little Creole Bibles we received through the generosity of Victory Baptist Church in Valrico, Florida, and to urge them to continue to seek and learn at a local church.

Praying for revival,

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